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Gülşah Merve Kılınç 

Assistant Professor @ the Dept of Bioinformatics

Gülşah graduated from Hacettepe University, Department of Biology and received her PhD in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Bilkent University. She worked as postdoctoral researcher at CompEvo Lab at the Department of Biology at Middle East Technical University. She continued her postdoctoral studies at Stockholm University at the Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies. During her postdoctoral studies, she also worked as visiting researcher at Uppsala University at Mattias Jakobsson's Laboratory with an EMBO fellowship. Her research focuses on past human population history and temporal dnamics of evolutionary processes. 


Şevval Aktürk

PhD Student

Şevval is a PhD student.  She graduated from the Dept of Molecular Biology and Genetics at METU and received her MSc at the same department on the topic of biological kinship. She currently works on ancient human genomics to study demography and selection processes in ancient Anatolia.


Dila Nur Çakal

MSc Student

Dila Nur has started as MSc student in October 2023. She is interested in studying spatiotemporal patterns of selection in human populations. Her research is focused on using machine-learning approaches for method development and analysis of ancient genomic data to understand evolutionary processes. 



Hande Çubukçu

MSc Student

Hande is interested in ancient genomics, 
population genetics and neurolinguistics research.
She has some experience in archaeological excavation and 
physical examination of human remains. She likes learning
languages, visiting museums and exhibitions, and traveling.   

Hande has a degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics from
Bilkent University. She completed her Master's thesis study and graduated in May 2024 .


İdil Taç

MSc Student

İdil graduated from Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics at İstanbul Kültür University in 2020. She is currently a master student at the Department of Bioinformatics at Hacettepe University. She is interested in generating synthetic population models to study evolution of complex diseases. She is funded by Tubitak 2210 program as well as by our Tubitak 3501 Grant. She graduated in 2023.

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